We are visible – Karina Sturm, United States, 2019, 69’6’’
Synopsis: This is a documentary film about people all around the world living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are...
Synopsis: This is a documentary film about people all around the world living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are...
Synopsis: The film is a feature documentary exploring the fifty years of artistic contribution of the daring Syrian auteur Muhammad...
Synopsis: Sam is a boy with epilepsy so desperate to feel like a normal kid, he goes to prom knowing...
Synopsis:The project is divided into three parts, which are composed of three non-existent towers. The first one is Famensi tower,...
Synopsis: Daniel Balima is a senior horticulturist from Tenkodogo, a small Sub-Saharan African town in Burkina Faso, where he lives...
Synopsis:A lonely postman secretly recreates postcards for a woman on his postal route when her boyfriend’s homemade postcards stop arriving...
Synopsis: A young woman travels to find a part of herself she felt was missing only to realize she was...
Synopsis: A woman encounters a chair with strange properties, but can’t decide if the experience is exciting or annoying.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvSToLm4UmA
Synopsis:An evocative and endearing story of a compassionate young boy and his mother, who tries to shield him from learning...
Synopsis: The story of two women who, at first, seem to have nothing in common: the young and restless Clairy...
Synopsis: Nerves are frayed after an all-night drive when Nate, Kyle, Wendy and Lily spot “Elle’s Kountry Kitchen” in the...
Synopsis: One steppe man is living far from the cities closely communicating with the nature. His father teaches him all...
Anke Ames’ attitude towards life is loving: people, music, ideas. That was the way, the violist, author and drawing artist...
Synopsis: This is a story of a Finnish woman entrepreneur Melina Holmberg who leaves her home farm and moves with...
Synopsis: A man works overtime to meet his company’s daily demands during the coronavirus lockdown. Caught up in the routine...
Synopsis:Paralympic athletes are seldom in the focus of the media, they and their successes are rarely reported on. We accompany...
Synopsis: When faced with life’s challenges, Ste-Adeline’s community has always stuck together. But this time, a scandal sends shockwaves through...
Synopsis: A short documentary which will give a short glimpse of the intercultural relationship between Homer’s myth and the musical...
Synopsis: The film focuses on the psychological effects that a large percentage of people have due to the universal exclusion...
Synopsis: The story is a gathering of casual events which happened to a young lady, who has a study abroad...
Synopsis: Nakam means hopeless. This is the artistic name chosen by a Kurdish artist who grew up in Iraq and...
Synopsis: A 91-year-old master wood sculptor’s artistic vision remains fueled by love for his wife, now suffering from Alzheimer’s. Alone...
Synopsis: A 10 year old boy experiences the loss of his Grandfather. The Grandson wanders around the city recalling memories...
Synopsis: Early December, New York City, and everyone is on the hunt for love. Why? Because they haven’t found it...
Synopsis: The film is about five Polish women living in Norway. The story begins from the decision to move to...
Synopsis: The film explores the impact of a cultural phenomenon that annually brings together thousands of young people from seven...
Synopsis: Ariadne, a member of an anti-government covert resistance group, is captured and interrogated by an intelligence agent. As Ariadne...
Synopsis: This is a sound+video concept that brings the point of view of Artificial Intelligence (the Machine) being grateful to...
Synopsis:A struggling singer and her manager husband travel from show to show, falling in and out of love as they...
Alena TsygankovaΡωσία/Russia20192’18” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBmhd8dQ8gA&t=1s
A fictional city grapples with an inexplicable, complete loss of hair. Posited both as an extension and the boundary of...
Synopsis: Gutter, sewage – you hear the word the visuals of dirty, filthy water running through the tunnels, underground the...
Synopsis: A lot of times we are wondering what kind of person is the one living next door. The delivery...
Synopsis:Dustin Clark is a musician, an artist, and a man who sees challenges as possibilities. Diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at...
Synopsis:Stones in children’s toys, the stones in my baggage, the stones fortress and stairs for Heaven. A poetic approach to...
Synopsis:A doctor travels to the refugee camps near Duhok, Kurdistan in order to help with the medical need there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtU-LwUt72A...
Synopsis: While transporting packaged souls to the afterlife, Persephone discovers that true friends can be found even in the damnedest...
De-Eschatology is a physical manifestation of the claustrophobic conditions created by the COVID-19 crisis and the yearning to break free...
Synopsis: Lucy’s life spirals out of control when her own mind turns against her and her nightmares become her daymares....
Synopsis:The village of Islampura hasn’t seen rain in five years and water had never been so scarce in its lifetime....
Synopsis:The famous holster Calamity Jane must face the local sheriff, Rubio, head of the gang of criminals known as “La...
Synopsis: A young woman’s unfulfilled obsession with having a child leads her to insanity. When she understands that the child...
Synopsis: Blue Film is an essay experimental short-film that criticizes the monetization of the color blue. Why is blue identic...
Synopsis: Salma, a widely known presenter, is filming a poetry show about Tarfa, the pre-Islamic poet. With a sand storm...
Synopsis:The odyssey of a woman (40 years old) on the almost hopeless search for a life that does not seem...
With the rapid development of cities in modern society, the scope of nature is shrinking.The film is about when nature...
Synopsis: The fulfillment of a last wish leads Filippo to a retrospection from the mountains of Epirus to the recent...
Synopsis: As Nazis separate children from their parents in the Warsaw Ghetto, a gang of women risks everything to smuggle...
Synopsis: Fifteen years after a psychotic event on the South China Sea flipped his life upside down, Alex, a sensitive,...
Synopsis: This is the story of Aine a magical, feisty young girl with Down syndrome. Title: ÁineDirector: Alexandria Cree, Kristen...
Synopsis:In the 1950’s communist Serbia, a little girl awaits the return of her grandmother while leaning on the fence of...
Synopsis: A misogynic photographer discovers for the first time in his life the joys of loving a woman, this one...
Synopsis: A youth’s life falls into chaos following the breaking of his beloved lighter: his lover leaves him and he...
Synopsis: Set during the turbulent 1960’s, in segregated Alabama and based on a lamentably sadistic racist incident in American history–an...
Synopsis: Sarah faces discrimination in her workplace and is subject to her boyfriend’s fetishistic obsession. She needs to break free...
Synopsis:The film follows four NGOs throughout Southeast Asia as they fight to affect change and end human sex trafficking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvhqGNL7Nq0...
Synopsis: A video dance that explores vulnerability using movement and natural light.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I27IMoX3Tc Title: SkinDirector: Andrea MychaelsProducer: Andrea Mychaels
Synopsis: While gliding through still photographs and live action, sounds and silence, black and white and color, spoken word and...
Synopsis: October 1949: Supposedly the Greek Civil War is over but still the people have to live with the consequences...
Synopsis: When Minseo leaves work Rose goes to work. A story of 5th generation of Chinese decent Minseo and Rose...
Synopsis: In the suffocating ambiance of being in quaratine for months in an apartment alone in New York City (Covid-19)...
Synopsis: The film tackles a very personal yet universal story about tradition, family heritage and adaptability. It is a tale...
Synopsis: On the 28th July 2008 the Grand Pier at Weston-super-Mare in Great Britain was utterly destroyed by a catastrophic...
Synopsis: How does arrogance, honesty and a chessboard connect? What defines the true and what defines reality? Title: OutDirector: MEGHDAD...
Synopsis:The film explores loneliness, anonymity, and the nature of romantic love with that one person you’ve always wanted, but could...
Synopsis: The film is based on a real incident that happened in Hong Kong. Like any other regular people, Dak...
Synopsis: The grandfather decides to go to barber shop in order to get a new haircut for next day’s chorus...
Synopsis: A professional cellist has an encounter with a stranger on the subway which has unexpected and far-reaching ramifications…
Synopsis: The film is an upbeat story about a woman who thinks her life is over when her daughter leaves...
Synopsis: A poetic love letter, written during a pandemic lockdown. Α true story. Title: My dear Anna Director: Panos Anestis...
Synopsis: This short film documentary is about a collaboration and what it takes to step outside of the norm. Process,...
Synopsis: In the early years of China’s opening to the world, my father embarked on a construction aid project in...
Synopsis: Paul and Vanessa have just had sex. It’s unlikely they’ll meet again. She’s funny, pretty and witty. He’s still...
Synopsis: Iris, awaits the death of her Aunt Adelaida. As Aunt Adelaide slowly withers away in hospice, Iris continues her...
Synopsis: The film is a journey amid families with children suffering from rare genetic conditions and doctors who take care...
Synopsis: The film is an emotional portrait of a volatile and challenging mother-daughter relationship, explored through dance and motion. Mother...
Synopsis: Chen Xun was born in the countryside, young in the county, middle-aged in the city. At the beginning of...
Synopsis: At any moment of any day, every female is either fertile – or not fertile. Whether she is, or...
Synopsis: Recently transferred from Dečani near Monica, after 28 years living as a monk, Father Arsenie, Belgradian, a cult figure...
Synopsis: Ana is a young woman who reflects on the meaning of the verb eat and what we are and...
Synopsis: Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues channel the spirits of David Bowie, Suzi Quatro and Karl Mark to debate the life...
Synopsis: The film is a social-impact documentary that centers on problems with the U.S. health care system and offers solutions...
Synopsis:Nancy goes to a job interview.But sometimes interviews are not what you expect.Especiially when the dark falls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW2Fvs6vixQ Title: Dark...
Synopsis: As a mummy portrait of Fayum, the gaze of the Poet who “brought to Art” “things half glimpsed, faces...
Synopsis: The film is based on a Chinese novel ”Deng Dai”. Xia Tian transfers her job back to her hometown...
Synopsis: A young composer who moves to New York after graduation feels insecure about singing in public. When a former...
Synopsis:The film is a dance film that presents two radically different dance forms: ballet and pole dance. Starring Californian born...
Synopsis: Sezim, 19 years old, wants to fulfil her dream of studying in the Kyrgyz capital when she gets kidnapped...
Synopsis: The story takes place on a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, which receives thousands of refugees every day....
Synopsis: The film is a short film drama about a wife whose husband suffers from Alzheimer’s. One fall afternoon, she...
Synopsis: When plans collapse things start to get interesting… Welcome aboard the Ural 650! A charming yet moody motorcycle which...