StorylineA cartoon animated humoristic "wedding documentary" of Andreas and Christina's love story. Wedumentaries are "wedding documentaries" that include information about...
CINEPLEX LAIS, CorinthMonday 9.12. at 19:15StorylineLove conquers all but will it conquer dust bunnies?2011, CanadaKatarzyna KochanyProducerKatarzyna KochanyDirectorStarringDuration: 12'Dialogues:Subtitles:
CINEPLEX LAIS, CorinthSunday 8.12. at 18:00StorylineCartoon excerpt from the movie "THE THIEVES OF TIME"2011, Greece*ProducerThodoros MaragosDirectorStarringCategoryANIMATION / GREEK / MARAGOSDetailsGenre:...