Synopsis: Aaron Clarke, a low-level music executive living in LA, returns to his hometown to help reach his alcoholic friend Lewis Balcolm. After an awkward intervention goes bust, Lewis leads Aaron out for a night of local music and mayhem. Over whiskey and pills, the men unpack the lingering injury surrounding their own band – a synthpop duo they formed as teenagers. When their differences come to a head once again, Aaron turns his back on Lewis only to encounter Lewis & Klarq’s biggest remaining fan. By showing him just how much their old songs mean to her, this diehard devotee inspires Aaron to reach his damaged friend through the passionate music they once made together as kids. With his abandoned creativity now threatening to resurface, Aaron heists his vintage synthesizers from his parents’ storage shed and sets the stage for Lewis’ real intervention – not to mention his own.
GA – Lewis & Klarq
2016, USA
Producer: Neil Howard Butler
Director: Neil Howard Butler & Jason Chimonides
Starring: Neil Howard Butler Bobby Arnold Christia Nunnery Jason Chimonides
Genre: Drama/Comedy/Musical Duration: 88′ Dialogues: English Subtitles: Greek