Freebird is the coming-of-age story of a boy with Down Syndrome who learns to navigate the world with a loving mother, an absent father, a classroom bully, and a life-long crush.
Σκηνοθέτης / Director: Michael Joseph McDonald, Joe Bluhm Σενάριο / Writer: Michael Joseph McDonald, Joe Bluhm Παραγωγός / Producer: Stefanie Bitton, Jordan Hart, Louis Pilotte, Michael Joseph McDonald Ηθοποιοί / Key cast: Tommy Pilling, Maryanne Pilling, Jad Issa, Sader Issa, Claude Kitogo, Karen Gaffney, Linda Slinger, Christophe Pierrecourt Χώρα / Country: Canada Έτος παραγωγής / Production year: 2021 Διάρκεια / Duration: 5 minutes