Another me in the world – Yiming Fan, Κίνα/China, 2020, 3’ With the rapid development of cities in modern society, the scope of nature is shrinking.The film is about when nature... 19 August, 2021
Shade Guzzling – Ulrike Korbach, Germany, 2020, 4’ Anke Ames' attitude towards life is loving: people, music, ideas. That was the way, the violist, author and drawing artist... 19 August, 2021
De-Eschatology – Charly Santagado, Eriel Santagado, ΗΠΑ/USA. 2020. 5’ De-Eschatology is a physical manifestation of the claustrophobic conditions created by the COVID-19 crisis and the yearning to break free... 19 August, 2021
Hands Talk – Alena Tsygankova, Ρωσία/Russia, 2019, 2’18” Alena TsygankovaΡωσία/Russia20192’18” 19 August, 2021
Hairless – Madyha Leghari, Πακιστάν/Pakistan, 2019, 5’ A fictional city grapples with an inexplicable, complete loss of hair. Posited both as an extension and the boundary of... 19 August, 2021