GR SH Ah, these damn letters: au -Νικόλαος Γαλάνης, Σπουδαστές 2ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σκάλας Λακωνίας/Nikolaos Galanis, Students of 2nd Primary school in Skala Lakonias, Ελλάδα/Greece, 2018, 6’47”

GR SH Ah, these damn letters: au -Νικόλαος Γαλάνης, Σπουδαστές 2ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Σκάλας Λακωνίας/Nikolaos Galanis, Students of 2nd Primary school in Skala Lakonias, Ελλάδα/Greece, 2018, 6’47”

A child facing difficulties, school books like a time machine, a trip to the past. Emotion, surprise, frustration, tenderness, hope, restlessness, relief are getting together, and in the end, the sweetness of innocent old times is left behind.

Director: Nikolaos Galanis, Students of 2nd Primary school in Skala Lakonias
Writer: Nikolaos Galanis, Students of 2nd Primary school in Skala Lakonias