SH Deceive by Severine Reisp, Germany, 2022, 15’
Synopsis: Courageous and young Brazilian ballerina Amira, moves to New York in order to achieve her powerful goals. Meanwhile, Amira...
Synopsis: Courageous and young Brazilian ballerina Amira, moves to New York in order to achieve her powerful goals. Meanwhile, Amira...
Synopsis: A business owner is faced with a moral dilemma when they deliver their psilocybin spice blends to an underground...
Synopsis: The Minister of Health is invited to a life style radio show, in order to hide a scandal he’s...
Synopsis: Interpreter Nadia, who came to be an idealistic individual, desires to start a new post-divorce life by moving into...
Synopsis: Two years after the creation of The Lethal Force franchise, its creator Deathor, decides to produce the next installment....
Synopsis: The imaginary world, the fairy tale of two kingdoms uncover their hidden secrets. The first kingdom is ruled by...
Synopsis: After his beloved family involves in a car accident, Mango the cat is forced to survive on his own...
Synopsis: A young Mohawk girl, Kateri, and her brother Jean-Baptiste, have their lives disrupted upon the arrival of Les Filles...
Synopsis: A fourteen-year-old Joey found himself lying in a hospital bed surrounded by police. There are mystical events, that caused...
Synopsis: A doctor and expert in ethics, Sergio Graf has to fight the Chilean health system as a patient when...